Today Unidome offers the most advanced and efficient solution for the implementation of lightweight, material-saving, and sustainable concrete slabs. In parallel to the general development of concrete construction, the development of biaxial hollow core slabs has also undergone several development steps. Nowadays, this construction method enjoys international acceptance.

Below, we have summarized the cornerstones of the development of the biaxial hollow core slab, limited to the essential points, for you.


As early as the early seventies, the first approaches for concrete slabs with integrated, spherical displacement bodies were developed. However, these early approaches did not yet lead to profound technical understanding, which is why no notable successes were recognizable at that time. Thanks to the insights of Karsten Pfeffer, who investigated the exact load-bearing behavior of biaxial concrete slabs with integrated hollow bodies in his dissertation, the first significant projects with this technology could be executed after the turn of the millennium.
Technische Zeichnung zweier nebeneinander liegender Unidome Hohlkörperelemente, dargestellt mit einer Schnittlinie und Verankerungspunkten, um die strukturelle Integration in Betondecken zu veranschaulichen.
Moldflow-Analyse eines Unidome Hohlkörpermoduls, visualisiert in 3D mit Farbspektrum von Rot bis Blau, das unterschiedliche Materialeigenschaften oder Druckverteilungen anzeigt. Zentral ist eine quadratische Struktur zu erkennen, umgeben von texturierten Oberflächenmarkierungen, die die Komplexität und Präzision in der Fertigungstechnologie darstellen.


In 2005, a significant foundation for the now widespread technology of the biaxial hollow core slab was laid. This development largely goes back to the early work of Dr. Karsten Pfeffer. With the further product lines invented by Dr. Karsten Pfeffer and developed under his significant supervision for a well-known brand (see also Dr. Karsten Pfeffer's resume), the internationalization of this construction technology could be gradually advanced. By that time, the technology had already been awarded multiple environmental and innovation prizes. To date, approximately 20 million square meters of this still innovative construction type have been realized worldwide, including impressive international structures.


With the experience of the last twenty years and the unwavering drive to continue the history of displacement bodies, UNIDOME was launched in 2019. With the newly launched product lines UNIDOME XS and UNIDOME XL, this construction method is being taken to a new level. Simple. Brilliant.
Moderne Architektur eines zweistöckigen Gebäudes mit einer hellen Fassade, akzentuiert durch kletternde grüne Pflanzen, die natürlich an der Außenwand hochwachsen und eine Verbindung zwischen urbanem Design und Natur darstellen.