
3D-Modell einer Betonkonstruktion mit mehreren grünen Unidome Hohlkörperelementen unter einer Betonplatte, verstärkt durch ein oberflächliches Metallgitter, illustriert fortschrittliche Technologien zur Betoneinsparung und Lastreduktion.
The Unidome Technology encompasses a construction method, a design concept, and the corresponding building products to realize the Unidome construction method. This method involves a material-efficient lightweight construction, where material is omitted in areas where it has only a minor load-bearing function.

The Unidome Design Concept is a methodology developed over decades, making it simple and safe to calculate the resulting cavity structures, by using the factor method and relying on the conventional and internationally recognized design principles in reinforced concrete construction.

The Unidome Products are tested and developed concrete formers for their respective applications, aimed at creating safe, economical, and sustainable concrete structures. Unidome is an international brand with international patents and approvals.
The Unidome Effects
Any layout through biaxial load-bearing capacity – large spans – thin ceilings – fewer supports – no disruptive beams – slim and secure building structures – reduction of self-weight – increased earthquake resistance – reduced deformations – optimized foundations and building bases – high material efficiency – acceleration of the construction process – possible combination with concrete core activation – possible combination with pre-tensioning – reduction of concrete and reinforcement steel – reduction of CO2 emissions – reduction of construction costs.
3D-Modell eines Betonstrukturgebäudes mit mehreren Ebenen, zeigt eine offene Architektur mit sichtbaren Betondecken und Stützsäulen, illustriert die Anwendung moderner Bauweisen für große Spannweiten und flexible Raumnutzung.
Research and Development
is a top priority for us. The collaboration with various internationally recognized research institutes, partners, and local authorities enables us to offer tested, secured, and quality-approved products and construction technology for global application. The Unidome visionaries have extensive know-how in the field of sustainable hollow body technology and can look back on over 20 years of experience. This experience is naturally also used for new developments, always following the motto "never stand still – keep evolving". TO THE VIDEO
Planning and Design
The design concept for biaxial hollow core slabs developed by Dr. Pfeffer, which is based on the results of research conducted specifically on this topic, is now considered to be internationally recognized state of the art. The derived parameters for the design of the hollow core slab are easy to handle, so that the design can be carried out by any structural engineer similar to the design of a solid flat slab. TO THE DESIGN TOOLS




Execution on site
The execution on site can be carried out by any construction company, whether small or large. The simple assembly and installation of the Unidome elements is done based on a custom-made Unidome layout plan, which is developed in coordination with the planners involved in the construction. Our highly motivated Unidome team is happy to assist you with your detailed questions. TO THE VIDEOS
Detaillierte Ansicht von zahlreichen schwarzen Unidome Hohlkörperelementen, eingebettet in Stahlbewehrungen auf einer Baustelle, zur Optimierung der Betonverwendung und zur Steigerung der strukturellen Effizienz.

Concrete Compaction

Thanks to the integrated venting function of the new concrete formers XS

Simply light

Concrete slabs with Concrete Formers XS